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Can You Go To Work The Day After A Vasectomy

Men getting a vasectomy in Queensland are busy. “Can you go to work the day after a vasectomy” is the most frequently asked in our clinic Vasectomy Queensland.  These men have young families and busy jobs.  At Vasectomy Queensland we try very hard to make your vasectomy run smoothly and get you back to work ASAP after a vasectomy. Watching our consultation videos, shaving, wearing underwear, using an ice pack and taking some anti-inflammatories are all ways you can make the process run as smoothly as possible.  For most men it is wise to take the day of their vasectomy plus the following day off work.  Almost everyone drives themselves, you don’t need your partner to come.  You can go to work the day after a vasectomy if you are working from a desk and you really really want to, but you probably won’t be very productive.  So even for these men we recommend a lazy day to let your body heal following your appointment at Vasectomy Queensland.

Some men may not have sick leave or may have important deadlines at work. Other men may have toddlers running around at home and they will actually be less physical going to work in an office.  Everyone has a slightly different answer when it comes to can you go to work the day after a vasectomy.  Some common sense goes a long way. You won’t do any permanent damage but if you are too physical you might be sorer for longer.

Most men feel pretty good the day after their vasectomy and this can give men a false sense of confidence.  It is easy to do too much and cause excessive inflammation, swelling, or a hematoma.  These men wake up the next day in a pretty poor state.  Things eventually heal but they spend the next week or two regretting their decision to “push it”.  So, can you go to work the day after a vasectomy? Yes, but I wouldn’t recommend it. You won’t cause any permanent damage but you may wish you hadn’t.

Can you go to work the day after a vasectomy depends a lot on individual circumstances.  If you have a physical job I would definitely give your body a chance to rest.  If you have to go to work but can be on light duties; take the light duties. And if there is a big job that can wait, let it wait.  Most tradies have a pile of quotes, orders and paperwork to catch up on.  This may be a great day to tidy up those jobs. Even if you are sitting in an office you still have the moving around of getting to and from work.  Honestly, you probably won’t be that productive anyway. If you have sick leave, I would be taking it.  We can easily sort out a medical certificate for you from vasectomy Brisbane.  Also, if things are taking a bit longer to heal and you feel you need another few more days, we can always extend the certificate and email you a new one.  Just call.

Most discomfort that men feel following a vasectomy is caused by gravity.  The vas deferens take up most of the load of the testicles.  Once the vas deferens is cut it obviously doesn’t take up any weight.  The rest of the weight is taken up by a little muscle called the cremaster. This is the same muscle that pulls things up when men get cold or nervous.  The cremaster will get bigger and stronger, it just takes a few days to bulk up.  Standing too much in the day following your vasectomy will give your cremaster muscles a good workout and you may feel a dull ache for a while.  You may know this as delayed onset muscle soreness.  It is the same feeling you may get a few days after a big weights session at the gym.  

The more people move around following their vasectomy the more inflammation will occur.  This is why we generally tell people “no” when they ask can you go to work the day after a vasectomy.  Everyone has heard the story of the man who went home feeling fine and mowed the lawn after their vasectomy; and then woke up the next day with everything swollen.  This may be entertaining for his friends but not so much for the guy (who spends the next few weeks on the couch) or his partner looking after the kids and the house by herself.  Trust me.  You want a boring, uneventful vasectomy story.  If you can take a day or two off I would really recommend it.

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